Pop's Allotment
was the title of the talk given by Mrs Cross when she reminisced about her childhood. She was the only girl in a family of seven living in Gosport in the 1930's and her father, a policeman, having a large family to feed needed to grow as much produce as he could. The children all helped out on the allotment with the digging and planting and this provided them all the year round with fruit and vegetables.
In those days chemical fertilizers were not used on the land and, as everyone had an open fire, when the sweep came to sweep the chimney he would leave the soot behind in a sack for his customer to dig into his garden. Very few people owned cars but horses were commonplace and horse manure was much sought after. Mrs Cross told the tale of a horse making a deposit in the road and two householders rushing out to claim it and a furious argument ensuing as to who had the right to it.
Her father started entering competitions, often winning prizes and she remembered the excitement of the show day and helping him display the produce and the friendly rivalry between the allotment holders. Mrs Cross always enjoyed helping her father as a child and her love of gardening has continued throughout her life.
Cheese and wine party
At the end of January we had a cheese and wine party. This was an informal evening where everyone had a chance to relax and talk to friends and enjoy the delicious spread organised by the committee.
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page last updated 26 FEBRUARY 1997