Clues Across:
1. Patriarch of the Jewish Nation (7)
5. Priestly work by Handel
8. An area put down to slab (5)
9. He announced the forthcoming birth
of Jesus to Mary (7)
10. Pope (7)
11. "Whose hands were skilled at the
plane and the ..." (5)
12. Major Prophet (6)
14. Birds (6)
17. Voles
(anagram) (5)
19. She cut hair (7)
22. Archangel (7)
23. Tender
24. Could be a semi or a fulkl (5)
25. He was wise (7)
Clues Down:
1. A Jellified substance (5)
2. An area in the South of France
3. To avoid the point (5)
4. "A great and .... wonder" (6)
Biblical character (7)
6. A believer in God (5)
7. Murderers (7)
Of a different faith than Christianity (7)
13. Fast (7)
15. A traveller
seeking truth (7)
16. Not children (6)
18. Spoken (5)
20. Hereabouts
21. Honor (anagram) (5)
Answers next month.
Answers to the April Crossword
Across: 1. Sacristy. 7. Saint Stephen. 8. Mincemeat. 9. Tup. 10. Noah. 11. Vestry. 13. Icecap. 14. Stolen. 17. Saturn. 18. Acts. 20. Elk. 22. Signature. 23. Salem. 24. St George. Down. 1. Simon. 2. Concave. 3. Item. 4. Themes. 5. Piety. 6. Saint Stephen. 7. Statute. 12. Baptism. 13. Incense. 15. Lacquer. 16. Bright. 17. Skill. 19. Sieve. 21. Fate
written by Tony and Jane Rice-Oxley
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page last updated 4 MAY 1997