The Summer 1997 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Do you know how much it costs each week to run St George's? £1,000 - £2,000 - £3,000?

Would you mind if we did not have a full time Vicar? Would you be happy with 'half a priest'? (That is a priest who is also serving other parishes).

Would you mind if there was no Vicarage in the parish? Would it matter if the Vicar did not get any proper expenses of office? Do you wonder why we have not had a curate in the parish for many years now?

Would you mind if we did not have a properly qualified organist? Would it matter if our high standard of music and worship was reduced? Would you mind if we did not have a proper organ and piano for worship? Does it matter if the choir do not have proper music for special and additional events?

Would it matter if we did not turn on the heating in winter? Would it matter if we kept the lighting off to reduce bills?

Do you mind if we did away with the Parish Magazine and weekly Bulletin? Would you care if we did not have a photocopier?

etc... etc... etc...!

Things are not that bad at St George's... yet!! But think about it. As a parish we must find a way to increasing weekly giving to the work of the church, to meet our running costs and the demands of the diocese towards the stipend of the full time clergy and the pensions of the clergy who are retired.

We must meet the ever increasing costs of running the parish and accept full responsibility for the cost of maintaining the work and ministry of the Church. We have no other source of income, except that which you give each week. We cannot rely on the Summer Fête or Christmass Bazaar to keep us out of the red ˜ that just about pays for the heating and lighting of the church!

Please will you consider joining the weekly Envelope Scheme if you do not already do so, and take out a Covenant if you are paying income tax. Cash on the plate when you come is not good enough... we have to budget for our needs like you do with your household expenses.

Finally will those of you who do use the envelope scheme or pay by bankers order, please increase your weekly giving generously.

God bless you.

Your friend and priest.

You cannot serve God and Money Matthew 6.24

What will be your offering to God?

The Tip Level?

Our small change for God?

The Entertainment Level?

Give when we go?

The Emotional Level?

Give when we feel like it?

The 'Good Intention' Level?

We will give more when we have more to spare and provided that it won't interfere with anything else.

The 'Christian' Level?

Systematically, conscientiously, sacrificially we give back, readily and ungrudgingly, from what has been given to us.

"And that we should keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who Himself said, 'Happiness lies more in giving than receiving.'" ˜ Acts XX.35.

written by Fr Malcolm Ferrier

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page last updated 20 JULY 1997