The September 1997 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


This term starts a week later than usual on 12th September. Half term is on Friday 24th October, but otherwise there is a full programme through until Christmass.

We are still looking for anyone who feels that they could help in some way as we are rather short on Youth Leaders for the next 6 months. Volunteers would not be left alone to run the club, but would simply assist on days when we are short. If you think you could help please speak to me.

Of wider Parish interest in our programme this term are the Harvest Barn Dance on 4th October, our Fund raising Bonfire Night on 2nd November at and a Parish Skittles Evening on 19th December. The full programme is shown on the Youth Club Noticeboards.

The Youth groups will be co-ordinating the family services as usual between now and Christmass, on the second Sunday of each month. September 14th is the turn of the Youth Club, October 12th in the Link Group, November 9th is the Sunday School, and the Youth Club again draws the Christmass straw on December 14th. Should anyone know of any youth within or without the Church who would benefit from membership of the various clubs please approach one of the leaders (details see inside cover). Your suggestions and comments are always welcome.

written by Tony Rice-Oxley

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page last updated 1 SEPTEMBER 1997