The October 1997 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Stretching the Limited - Your invitation to take part in this year's One World Week

This year in One World Week join us in Stretching the Limits that need stretching: in the world, in our community, in our own lives.

Respecting the Limits that need respecting: of the planet, of economic 'growth', of what people at the bottom of the pile can endure!

Seeking the wisdom to know the difference!

Ideas for action in 1997:

Stretching of visions: Set at least one new goal to stretch for: perhaps a challenge from a Southern Voice?

Respect your planet: We all know that we are testing the planet's patience! Hold a pilgrimage to places locally that might be stretching it to the limits!

Stretch your consumer power. Make world trade fairer! Buy from Traidcraft.

Stretching for peace. Try an evening of Stretching Stories of people coming to terms with the need to listen in situations of prejudice and conflict.

Yoga, T'ai chi, Walking Meditation. How do different faiths and traditions use movement in worship, healing and celebration? Are there links between mind and body? Do some research!

Limiting Lifestyle? Each of us born in the Western world stretches the world's resources by up to 200 times more than a person born in the South.

Stretching the truth. Do soundbites stretch the truth to breaking point?

Stretching boarders. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Indian Independence - what are the links between the sub-continent and Waterlooville?

What is One World Week? One World Week is a way of stretching ourselves to think globally and act locally.

 as human beings: stretching our tolerance, love and respect for each other and for the planet

 as people of many religious beliefs or no particular belief: acting together on issues that unite us. For more information about One World Week and the Ideas for Action please contact Eric Dinneen.

Car Wash / Iron-in / Coffee Morning The young people of the Diocese have been asked to take part in One World Week by raising monies for the charity, Child Poverty Action.

The Link Group and the Youth Club are pleased to support this cause and will be flying the flag for St George's by holding a Car Wash / Iron-in / Coffee Morning. This event will take place on Saturday 18th October from to at the Church Hall. Monies raised from this event will be presented during the evening of 23rd October at Barton's Hall, Horndean. So if you have a dirty car (£2.50) or are fed up with the weekly chore of doing the ironing (30p an item) or just fancy a cup of coffee and a chat, come and see us. We are willing to collect your ironing in advance and return it afterwards (please provide basket / coathangers) - just contact Sarah Monk.


Each Year, in One World Week, in October, churches of many denominations focus on a particular concern, and in an ecumenical event seek to publicise that concern, and through prayer, and giving, provide some relief.

Last year the combined Waterlooville churches held a successful evening, looking at the world-wide threat of Anti-personnel land-mines, and the work of the Red Cross in coping with the suffering caused by them, much of it to women and children.

This year the Waterlooville churches, together with those from Horndean and Clanfield, are holding a One World Week event in the Horndean Community School, on Thursday 23rd October.

This year the event will focus on Child Poverty. Prayers are being said in all the churches involved, on the three Sundays leading up to the event.

Loving Heavenly Father, your Son told his disciples:
"Suffer the little children to come unto Me!
Look down with mercy on all children in need,
in need of food.
in need of clothes,
in need of shelter,
in need of love.
Bless the work of all those who work for ONE WORLD WEEK.
Those who plan,
those who prepare the worship, and the music,
Bless the speaker, in her choice of words.
Father, open our eyes and ears, that we may recognise the needs around us, and help us to meet them.
For Christ said, "Whoever receives this child in My Name receives Me!"
In the name of the same Jesus Christ,


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page last updated 5 OCTOBER 1997