What a joy and privilege it was to be present at a tea party in Fareham, Any Questions at the University, and a Diocesan Festival Service at the Cathedral. I was one of the lucky ones. Lady Christine Eames, the Worldwide President, was to be with us in Portsmouth at the invitation of Margaret Symonds, our Diocesan President, for two busy days.
The tea party in Holy Trinity Church Hall was a very friendly and happy occasion. We met up with friends from other branches, and even had photos taken by the Press. Lady Eames came and talked to us all, and we were so impressed with her lovely gentle manner.
Thank you Julia and Candy for coming with us to sample the fellowship we have in the M.U.
It was a quick journey home (in the rush hour too!) and turn around to be at the University for a reception at 7.pm followed by Any Questions where a distinguished panel answered questions on Family Life in the year 2000 put by the members.
The highlight of the two days was the Service in the Cathedral where Lady Eames gave the address. The procession of Branch banners, some carried by families, made a spectacular sight, and afterwards we were able to meet our President and tell her how pleased we were to have her in Portsmouth. She radiated 'love'. A beautiful cushion embroidered by one of the members was presented to Lady Eames as a little thank you. All credit must go to Margaret who worked so hard with her team to make this visit such a memorable occasion. What a pity so many were unable to attend, for whatever reason, this wonderful event.
written by Pam Dinneen
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