Welcome to the March 1998 On-Line edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Monica O'Reilly

Monica O'Reilly began worshipping at St George's together with Veronica Colver and June Prosser who were all living in St Anne's Home at St Michael's Convent about 1988. All three were greatly loved by the congregation and only recently June has moved up to the Sisters' convent in Liverpool.

In the last six years Monica has been living at Cornerleigh Home at Denvilles where she was very happy and won over the other residents by her lively personality.

Monica's life revolved around her home, the Day Centre and close friends, particularly Betty Keyte who has done so much for her. Following a requiem Eucharist Monica's ashes were buried with those of Veronica Colver in the Garden of Remembrance in the churchyard.

We send our prayers and sympathy to all her family and friends. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

Pat Anderson

Pat Anderson has been a faithful and regular worshipper at St George's and will be greatly missed. Much of his life was spent in the Royal Navy which began when he joined the training ship Arethusa in 1937 and went on to HMS Ganges. He served during the Second World War on various ships and was in service on HMS Swiftsure in the Far East when they were involved in the release of the internees at Stanley Prison Camp, Hong Kong. He came out of the navy in 1947 and joined the Buckinghamshire Constabulary for two years, and it was then that he met and married his wife Margaret in 1950. He rejoined the navy in 1949 and continued to serve until he retired in 1965, when he joined the M.O.D. Police until final retirement at 60.

Pat has been very active at St George's since then and was responsible for many of the woodwork projects. He made and fitted the wooden bookracks in the pews, the interior notice board and many other fittings and made toys and other items for our winter bazaar. Pat was also the Head Server and Sacristan for several years and had been a lifelong altar server and member of the Guild of Servers of the Sanctuary.

He and Margaret have two daughters Christine and Jennifer, three granddaughters and a grandson.

We give our sympathy and prayers to his wife Margaret and her family in their loss.

Later this month following a Requiem Eucharist, Pat's ashes will be interred in the Garden of Remembrance in the churchyard. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

written by Fr Malcolm Ferrier

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