Welcome to the March 1998 On-Line edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


A Diocesan Quiet Day

Prayer of the Heart led by the Revd Dr Philip Newell, Warden of Spirituality. On 16th March, 10.am to 3.pm at Cathedral House, St Thomas's Street, Portsmouth. Packed lunch required, drinks available. Cost £1. You are all welcome to attend.

Commissioning of Trustees and New Speakers

A Diocesan Festival Eucharist will be held in Portsmouth Cathedral, Saturday 4th April, 10.30.am, at which the Trustees and New Speakers will be commissioned. Preacher: The Rt Rev. David Halsey, Mothers' Union Diocesan Chaplain.

Mothers' Union Sponsored holiday

Bookings now being taken for the holiday on the Isle of Wight for sponsored families, August 22nd to 29th. Please refer to the Vicar for details or the branch leader, Yvonne Jones, telephone (01705) 255271. Also see notice at the back of church.

written by Yvonne Jones

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page last updated 1 MARCH 1998