Welcome to the Easter 1998 On-Line edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Rhea Thompson

Rhea Thompson with the bearded dragon

The Youth Club have had a busy and varied term. We said goodbye to Jane and Tony at the end of January and are plotting their World Tour on the notice board in the Hall. Did anyone see them behind the batsman in Trinidad on Sky TV?

We made heartshaped biscuits and sweets for Valentine's Day and attempted to make red roses, some more successfully than others, out of crepe paper. Bee and Bill brought some more of their unusual pets to visit us. We admired their chameleon and snakes. Boris the bearded dragon went to sleep on Rhea's shoulder and Molly the leopard tortoise enjoyed wandering around the floor. Some of us were even brave enough to hold the tarantula! The following week we were taken around the PDSA hospital at Cowplain by Emma's Dad. It was all very interesting but we were saddened by the three dogs who were recuperating after surgery. One had been cut by glass while playing in Staunton Park Gardens, another had eaten the netting off a joint of meat, which hadn't done it's insides much good, and the third had been badly savaged by one of his own family dogs. There was a pigeon waiting to be well enough to release and a young cat with a broken tail being observed. In a third cage there was a young stray cat awaiting the arrival of seven or eight kittens!

We enjoyed helping to bunch the Mothering Sunday flowers and making our own adverts, which we videoed and decorating eggs with a view to Easter. We look forward to taking part in the Palm Sunday Service.

written by St George's Youth Club

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page last updated 1 APRIL 1998