I am required by the Deanery to produce a budget estimate each year. This has proved useful at our PCC Meetings and I thought it should be reproduced in the magazine for everyone to see. It refers to Church expenses only whereas our annual accounts now incorporate the finances of all St George's organisations.
The expected shortfall in income almost equates to the 9.6% Quota increase for 1998 because the indications are that our planned giving remains static. Donations for 1998 include a £1,000 bequest. Fund raising for 1997 centred around the Organ refurbishment appeal and as such it may be difficult to sustain the 1997 levels. Ministry expenses included the Vicar's new word processor purchased during 1997 and it should also be remembered that the cost of heating the main body of the church is met from Church Hall funds. 1998 insurances include a new Performing Rights Society licence and the cost of valuing the church hall. Miscellaneous projects are likely to include improvements to the church entrance ramp and repairs to the church exterior. I have tried to be realistic in my estimates rather than rely solely on inflation percentages. I hope you find the figures of interest.
INCOME 1997 1998
Planned giving 18800 19000
Tax 3125 3175
Services 3330
Donations/Eucharist 2200 3500
Fête/Bazaar 3140 3300
Raising 3075 2000
Magazine/Photocopier 1880 2000
Fees/Sales 2430
Dividend/Interest 4540 4700
Insurance claims 220 300
TOTALS 42740 44175
Quota 29011 31796
Parsonages 1925 1950
Ministry 3520
Heat/Light/Water 700 800
Insurances/Licences 1287 1800
repairs 600 700
Sanctuary 1200 1500
Magazine/Photocopier 1125
Honoraria 1740 1900
Miscellaneous projects 500 2000
TOTALS 41608 46946
written by Linda Wainwright, Hon. Treasurer to the P.C.C.
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