Welcome to the May 1998 On-Line edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


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from the Vicar|A Debt Free Start for a Billion People|Book Corner|Financial Update|Australia Sage '98|Garden Gossip|The Royal Maundy Service|Country Churches|St George's on the Internet|Ruby's Memoirs|Crossword|Popular Worship for Special Occasions|Annual Church Meeting|Christian Aid Week|Summer Fete, 16th May

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Bulletin and Diary Feedback and email feedback and email photo of St George's photo of St George's Church about St George's this month's features past issues past features support our Advertisers links to other web sites Home page from the Vicar A debt free start for a Billion people Book Corner Financial Update Australia Saga '98 Garden Gossip The Royal Maundy Service Country Churches St George's on the Internet Crossword Popular Worship for Special Occasions Annual Church Meeting Christian Aid Week Summer Fete Poster