On Saturday 8th August I am celebrating another milestone in my life and I hope you will all join me in a celebration of my 60th birthday in the Vicarage Garden from 6.30.pm. I will provide the drink, if you would be good enough to bring something to eat, either on a plate or something for a barbecue.
Collections in July are for The Missions to Seamen, and in August for the Rowans Hospice, Purbrook.
Religious Communities
For some years we have been getting our communion breads from the sisters at the Poor Clare Monastery, Shirley Warren, Southampton, a Catholic community of nuns of the enclosed Franciscan order. Sadly, they decided to close down their altar bread department and now we are getting them from an Anglican community of Poor Clares at Freeland, Oxford.
This was the first Anglican community of nuns who adopted the rule of St Francis as the basis of their religious life. It was not until the second world war that the Anglican Society of St Francis (male friars) brought together five women to form this new community of Poor Clares. They began to test their vocations at a community of nuns that I have known for many years at Tymawr Convent, near Monmouth, in fact I went there for my ordination retreat and have been there on several occasions over the years. In 1947 they were offered a delightful property as their convent at Freeland and have continued to live the enclosed and contemplative life of prayer and manual work. I am uncertain how many sisters live at Freeland, but I will try and get a sister to give us an article of their life and work. They wear the brown habit of St Francis and St Clare with a black veil and white girdle.
We send our congratulations to Christopher Powell our former organist and choirmaster, who was raised to the priesthood on 28th June at Portsmouth Cathedral and is serving at Botley, Curdridge and Durley.
We also congratulate Cecil and Edna Wilman who celebrated their golden wedding on 5th June, and also Bill and Mary Hutchings who celebrate their golden wedding on 14 August. Also to Mr and Mrs Whetren of Ann Crescent, two occasional worshippers at St George's who celebrate their golden wedding on 25th July. Well done and every blessing for many years of future happiness together.
I also blessed the marriage of Grahame and Nicola Cowell, the son of Mrs Marjory Cowell recently at Basingstoke in the lovely setting of the Jane Austin suite of the Audleys Wood Hotel. Our very best wishes to them both.
Our best wishes for a speedy recovery to several members of St George's who have been ill recently: Mary Haysom; Alice Whelpton; Harry Casson and Vi Nicklen.
Our sympathy and prayers to Mrs Margaret Morris who lost her husband John on 17th June. May he rest in peace.
written by Fr Malcolm Ferrier
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