Welcome to the Summer 1998 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


I am pleased to report church funds have received a boost over the past few weeks. Not only did the fête realise a revised net profit figure after deduction of expenses of £1670.41 but the Inland Revenue refunded us £3068.91 on our covenanted planned giving during the 1997/98 tax year. This illustrates how beneficial it is to the church to give in this way, so if you pay tax and do not already covenant your giving please consider doing so.

Thanks are due to John Millard, our Honorary Recorder, for all the hard work he does in connection with the planned giving and for so promptly obtaining the 1997/98 refund. However, last year we received £3418.67 and the decrease can be attributed to both reducing tax rates and a decline in covenanted giving. So irrespective of the method used to contribute to St George's I would ask you to consider increasing your giving if you have not done so for some time. John is the man to see for all the relevant forms.

I was asked to forward £50 to the Church Army from the late Betty Keyte and to that sum was added a further £119 collected for the same charity at her funeral service. The Wednesday morning coffee ladies nominated RUKBA (Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association) because of its connections with Betty Keyte as one of their charities and a cheque for £50 has duly been sent to them.

And lastly, David Palmer has kindly arranged a bank transfer of the final sum of £476 due to St Mary's Axim Ghana.

Enjoy your summer holidays, everyone.

written by Linda Wainwright, Hon. Treasurer

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page last updated 6 JULY 1998