At the time of writing we are just off on our Autumn Canal Boat trip. The wind is howling and the rain pouring. A Narrow Boat is just not the ideal place for 12 people to be cooped up in bad weather so we are all praying for a change to some fine autumnal skies.
The Youth Club proceeds in leaps and bounds. We now have 21 members with several newcomers from outside the immediate catchment of St George's. We have been ten pin bowling, had a video evening, a church quiz, and an evening preparing for the Harvest Barn Dance. Our Horse Race Night raised £153 (an all time record) and our car wash morning made a further £55 for Church and Hall funds. We have had very regular and full turn outs to all our activities and great thanks are due to our leaders, particularly the newer ones (Jane Cook, Sandra Hewett, Larysa Thatcher and Pauline Jackson) who are having to organise and control a very diverse and hyperactive bunch!!
Please remember our Bonfire Night on November 8th (in aid of Naomi House Childrens Hospice. Tickets on sale now!
written by Tony Rice-Oxley
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page last updated 1 NOVEMBER 1998