During the past week, I heard of a fellow priest who called on a parishioner, walked down the path through her beautifully kept garden, and knocked on the door, only to find she was not at home. So he took out a calling card, wrote a biblical reference on the back (Revelation 3:20) and popped it through her letter box.
Next Sunday, the same parishioner approached Father after Mass, slipped the calling card back into his hands, and was gone before he could say anything. When Father got back into the sacristy, he saw that there was now another biblical reference on the card, this time it was Genesis 3:10, which he looked up in his Bible.
Putting the two texts together, his own from Revelation 3:20 read:
"I knocked on the door but there was no answer."
And the parishioner's text from Genesis 3:10 read:
"I heard your footsteps and saw you in the garden. But as I was naked, I was unable to come out and meet you."
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