It was a glorious Autumn day when eight of us met at Stoughton Down car park for the start of the walk. We set off at a steady leisurely pace on a slowly ascending track through woodland, we had to give way every so often for horses and their riders coming downhill. It took about 45 minutes to reach the open area at the top of the Downs, but well worth all the effort. The views were truly magnificent, visibility 15-20 miles over almost 360°.
We had our picnic lunches sat on one of the large grassy mounds and felt on top of the world. To have such a sunny day and beautiful views we felt sure our maker was smiling on us.
The walk along the top of the Downs then down into the valley was pleasant and refreshing. Our next stop was the lovely old Church at Stoughton, St Mary's built in the 11th Century. The full details of this church were in an earlier edition of St George's News, covered in the Country Churches series by John Symonds.
Next stop the village pub of course for refreshments, beer, coffee etc. Then after 20 minutes we set off for a leisurely half hour walk through the fields back to the car park.
The walk was enjoyed by all participants even Ruby's dog Nutmeg who is due puppies in November.
I will try to make the November walk as interesting, cannot promise the same weather though.
written by Christine Culley
this article missed the November issue deadline. Nutmeg had only one puppy. Both mother and puppy are well.
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