Celebrate 2000! Reflections on God the Father
If you were expecting a Christmas Book this time - wrong! I do have some suggestions but you will need to keep an eye on the Bulletin.
My suggestion for December / January is a new Book which looks towards the Millennium with weekly readings for 1999. Celebrate 2000! Reflections on God The Father by His Holiness Pope John Paul II.
The Compiler, Paul Thigpen, is assistant professor of religious studies at Southwest Missouri State University.
In his introduction, 'Before We Can Celebrate, We Have To Meditate', Thigpen explains that the Holy Father called for special preparations in the years 1997, 1998 and 1999. He asked that each of these years be devoted to reflections on a particular Person within the Holy Trinity. In 1997, Our Lord was focused upon. In 1998, the Holy Spirit and so in 1999, God The Father.
"We centre on Him in this last year because He Himself is our final destination, the one we will encounter at last, as the source of all things and the fulfilment of all things."
The jacket cover states that 'In these pages, Catholics and Christians of all backgrounds will find inspiration and life direction as we prepare to celebrate Jesus' 2000th Birthday.'
The readings cover many different themes, e.g. 'Mary Model Of Love', 'The Special Role Of Older People', and 'Science, Faith And The World's Future'.
At the beginning of the Book there is a section on questions for reflection and discussion. Questions such as:- 'In order to imitate Jesus, am I willing to ask in every situation, "what would Jesus do?" - and then do it?', (The Virtue Of Love - Imitate Jesus' Love) and 'What does The Church mean by "the option or love of preference for the poor?"' (Christian Social Action - Caring for those most in need). The questions are matched to the reading themes.
The first week of the New Year is entitled 'Our Father , Who Art In Heaven' and subtitled, 'A Pilgrimage To The Father's House'. The Christian Life is likened to a great pilgrimage to the house of the Father whose unconditional love is discovered anew each day. Luke 15 verses 11 to 32 ('The Prodigal Son') is quoted, perhaps not surprisingly.
"The Jubilee, centred on the person of Christ, thus becomes a great act of praise to the Father: 'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundations of the world that we should be holy and blameless before him' (Eph l:3 to 4)".
An excellent book.
Warmly recommended.
Celebrate 2000! Reflections On God The Father. Pope John Paul II. £5.95
written by Lynn Winter
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