Welcome to the February 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Report on December meeting

In December both groups held our Annual Advent Miscellany, when members read a story, poem or brought something with a special Advent memory. We had one, where a book is read to the children and grandchildren every year. These activities are interspersed with Advent carols and prayers.

The Evening Group rounded off as we do with an American Supper with wine and non-alcoholic drinks for the car drivers!

The Afternoon Group had visitors from our other churches in the area. After the miscellany we all had tea. A lot of seasonal greetings were exchanged.

Thank you everyone who helped make both events so successful.

Evening Mothers' Union

On 4th February we meet at Yvonne Jones home, 7 Elmwood Avenue, 7.30.pm. Entertainment will be a talk and discussion on Caring Together from the MU book To His Praise and Glory. All are welcome.

Afternoon Mothers' Union

The Afternoon Group meets on Thursday 18th February at 2.pm in the Church Hall. Yvonne Jones will be giving a rather different presentation, Ducks Extravaganza! Anyone interested in the Mothers' Union will be made most welcome.

Anyone requiring a lift by car for either meeting, Ring Jennefer on 01705 256804.

Jennefer Higginbottom

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page last updated 1 FEBRUARY 1999