This month I reproduce a copy of the budget for 1999 for the Church only as approved by the PCC at the meeting on 25 February 1999. The 1998 budget figures are quoted for comparison purposes. The actual church income for 1998 was £43519.37 and the expenditure £46569.94. You will see there is likely to be a considerable drain on our reserves unless this year's fundraising reaches previously unattainable heights! The Treasurer and members of the Finance Committee intend to seek advice from the diocese as to how we can best utilise our current funds and investments.
The work arising from the Quinquennial Report has to be completed within two years of the granting of the necessary faculty - in our case by November 2000 - a tight timetable for everyone involved. However the splendid screen for the Memorial Garden has already been constructed and funded by an extremely generous donation from Mrs Pat Gasser. A legacy of £750 has also been received from the Executors of the late Mrs Barbara Thackray specifically for use towards the Garden of Remembrance. The Church Architect Roger Boyce has submitted an interim bill of £962 in connection with his preparatory work for the ramp, canopy, fencing and reroofing work.
The concert arranged by Colin Towner and given by Portsmouth High School pupils on 10th February raised £39.92 for church funds, and the retiring collection during February raised a further £138.83 for our link parish of St Mary Axim, Ghana.
written by Linda Wainwright, Hon Treasurer
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