Welcome to the Easter 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine



Often when I tell people that I work for Home-Start they assume it is something to do with cars breaking down or people moving house. Neither of these are particularly true, though I dare say we may have been involved in either at some point!

Home-Start Havant (based in Waterlooville and one of about 200 Home-Start schemes in the UK) is a voluntary organisation which offers support, friendship and practical help to young families where there is at least one child under the age of 5. Volunteers visit families in their own homes, usually once a week, and offer support at difficult times. Through respect for the families we keep their details confidential, but families that we are involved with could include: - A mum with 2 young children who finds getting out with a double buggy difficult as she lives in a 3rd floor flat

A young family, new to the area, who are feeling lonely and isolated

A mum who has post-natal illness and needs a reliable friend to confide in

A young, single mum with 2 children under 3 who doesn't feel very confident about being a parent and would like the support of an older, experienced mum

Home-Start Havant is an important part of the care provision for young families in the Havant Borough. We receive referrals from health visitors, social workers, and other professionals in the caring sector, and a number of families contact us directly after hearing about Home-Start 'on the grapevine'. A team of about 50 volunteers working alongside 3 organisers to provide the kind of friendly support that young families under stress need. Twice a year we run training courses to prepare new volunteers to work with families, and volunteers receive ongoing training and support. Now that you know a bit about us I would like you to think about whether you could be one of our volunteers. We are looking for people with parenting experience and a canny attitude towards young families who have two hours a week to spare. Could this be you?

Our next course runs for 11 weeks, starting on April 14th, at the Mill Hill Early Years Centre, Mill Road, Waterlooville. If you are interested in learning more about this, or Home-Start generally, then please call us on 241234.

written by Sharron George

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page last updated 1 APRIL 1999