Welcome to the September 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


The summer break is nearly over and it is time to put pen to paper once again for the magazine. Rather than print the whole church finances budget summary for the half year to the end of June (the full report is displayed with the copy of the PCC minutes at the back of the church) it is suffice to say that overall the actual income of £27,332 has exceeded the budget estimate, thanks mainly to some generous bequests and donations and receipt of the 1998/99 tax refund, but so too has the actual half year expenditure amounting to £29,901. This leaves a shortfall of £2,500 to be met from other than weekly income although the deficit was expected to be greater at this stage of the financial year.

Recent expenditure has included installation of safety ladders improving access to the tower £750, the retrospective faculty for the removal of the yew trees £149.68, additional costs of the Alpha Leaders course £118.60, and fans for use in hot weather by the choir £30. The cost of the quarterly organ tune has risen to £90.48.

General church funds received £84.80 from the Wyndcliffe Singers concert on June 12th, £105.60 from Sue Towner's pupils concert on June 26th, £533.40 from the sponsored walk and barbecue on June 6th, £69 from the coffee morning on July 17th, and £50 from Youth Club fund raising. Monies have been distributed from the Wednesday coffee morning funds, £50 to the Sunday School, £50 to the Mothers' Union holiday fund and £41.50 towards the Betty Keyte memorial stone.

The Youth Club's It's A Knockout raised £45.46 for the Naomi House Childrens' Hospice and the retiring collections during June and July realised £107.96 for the Samaritans and £127.58 for the Mission to Seamen.

written by Linda Wainwright, Hon Treasurer

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page last updated 22 AUGUST 1999