As we approach the Millennium we still hear of Christians in various parts of the world who are suffering for their Faith. Many are imprisoned, beaten and put to death merely because of their belief in Jesus Christ. For two thousand years followers of Jesus have received the same treatment as He did Himself, just as He predicted. (Mt lO.16-23)
In our Western world, persecution is much more subtle. In England today we are unlikely to be imprisoned or experience physical violence. We do, however, experience animosity, ridicule or ostracism if we try to speak up for the values and teachings of Christ or try to swim against the tide of worldly values.
But, the effort involved in having to face daily worldly resentment or perhaps complete indifference is, I believe, the very essence of being spiritually alive as a Christian! Christian standards can and do provoke a response and make our Faith in Christ worthwhile in the end. The gospel is a gospel of salvation, is indeed good news! So is it surprising that we face hostility and opposition? Our religion is rooted in the Catholic Faith that proclaims that God loved us so much that He became a human being (incarnate) in the person of Jesus Christ, who died and rose to life again for us.
Jesus said that His followers were to be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Mt lO.l6). Our witness to Him as we enter a third millennium requires us to be rooted and grounded in the Catholic Faith there is no place for worldly values. Why not take the opportunity of joining our Alpha Course now and increase your knowledge of the teachings of Christ and His Church as we come to the close of the second millennium. We meet every Monday at 1, Wellesley Close (ring 263696) 7.30.p.m. All are welcome to come even if you are not a member of our church.
With my prayers and blessing.
Your priest and friend
Fr Malcolm Ferrier
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