Welcome to the October 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


The Church was not a very exciting place during the first world war especially for children. It was the first time that for everybody it affected our own island, wars previously had been fought far away not close to one's shores, with so many of our forces being killed. The atmosphere was sad, people were anxious, clothes sombre and most men were in uniform. This was particularly noticed in church. Women no longer wore their jaunty hats perched on an extravagant hairdo. Short hair became the fashion, it was called 'The Bob', with soft hats often pulled right down over the eyes. Most men were in uniform, khaki, navy and a very few in the new blue of the Royal Air Force. These were very exciting as they flew! So much for appearances, and the church apart from the flowers had few decorations.

My parents seemed to give up being regular in their church going and my sister and I went to an afternoon service for children which started at 3.o'clock and ended about 4 o'clock. This was taken by a much older curate, and I can still remember his name. He was always known as Mr de Wall, a very kindly man and was well liked. So the years went on until we were old enough to be confirmed, and I had to attend a class one evening a week. I felt very grown up and as we didn't live far from the church I went with another girl on my own. I grew up fast and I found new friends and another side of the church where quite a lot went on, such as a church summer picnic, and Mr de Wall took us, and we had a great time with tea and games and ran races in one of the fields near by, having walked there in a crocodile line. It was the first time that I was really without a member of the family with me. I was duly confirmed dressed in white, veil, long white dress, white shoes and socks and white gloves - I felt very holy and thought I would like to be a nun!

After this we attended church regularly on Sunday Morning service, and going to Communion one Sunday a month and sometimes more, at the 6.am or 7.am morning service. About this time we learnt a new hymn at School. "He who would valiant be 'gainst all disaster'. Now this was different from our usual four liners and we all sang it lustily. It is still one of my favourite hymns and I wonder why it took me so long to become a pilgrim and go on my first pilgrimage which was to Walsingham in the 1980's. I find it so easy to worship there spiritually, and enjoy the light hearted atmosphere it gives. Perhaps Chaucer felt this when he wrote Canterbury Tales.

The war had proved that women could do so many jobs that were usually for men only, but it was to be a long time before their potential was recognised, even after Mrs Pankhurst had won her fight for Womens' Rights to have a vote in the election of Members of Parliament, women who had married had to leave as they would now have a home, husband and family to look after. It took years and another war to achieve anything much.

The next exciting thing that happened was that the old Rectory at Barnes was to be pulled down and a new one built and the acres of land surrounding it was to be used for building houses. It was a great shock to those who lived in what was no more than a village. The Rector retired, he was quite elderly, with a shock of white hair, and of the old 'blood and thunder' style of preaching, who thumped the pulpit to prove a point, and to make anyone sit up who had fallen asleep, but for all that he was sadly missed. A true churchman, it was always said of him. I never got to know the new man, but rather drifted to trying different churches, one of which was Hammersmith Parish Church where many of my school friends worshipped.

The building of many houses came to Barnes and the urban sprawl came and spread all over what had been farmland right down to, and along the river to the old village of Barnes. The beautiful Rectory garden was reduced greatly. I can remember the old one well as at one of the fêtes held there I got lost exploring and was found sitting in the middle of a great clump of red poppies, and was spanked for running away. These fêtes which we had every summer went on all day with stalls of every kind, lemonade and ice cream cornets, sweets, beautiful needlework done by the ladies, coconut shies, pony rides, hoop-la and many other games, concerts in the afternoon and evening, teas and buns and cakes never seemed to run out, and all this was done mostly by the ladies of the church. I don't know what it made moneywise but it was always full of people enjoying themselves. Money in those days never seemed to be a problem and as it was never discussed in front of children, I don't think we ever thought about what a great deal of thought and time had gone into it. "One did not discuss money, it was bad manners", so when young you didn't think about how a church was run or what it cost. As long as you had put a coin in the bag on Sunday everything would be all right.

I think that the urbanisation of Barnes must have brought a lot more money into the town, and the church I should think has had its share.

Ruby Bullock

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