1) (b) Saul [see Acts 13.v9]
2) (b) Sapphria [see Acts 5.v 1+]
3) (b) 666 [see Revelations 13.v 183]
4) (c) 46 years [see John 2.v 20]
5) (b) Herod [see Mark 6. v 16]
6) (c) 38 years [see John 5.v 5]
7) (b) Locusts [see Matthew 3.v 4]
8) (a) Timothy [see 1 Timothy 5.v 23]
9) (a) Andrew [see John 1.v 40]
10) (d) Tent makers [see Acts 18.v 3]
11) (d) My wife is pregnant [see Luke 14.v 15+]
12) (c) Paul [see Romans 1.v 16]
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