In July we had our garden party in the garden of Mrs Jennefer Higginbottom. It was a lovely sunny day and the garden was full of colour. We had a Raffle and a Bring and Buy Stall, the object being to raise funds for our overseas projects. During the afternoon refreshments were served with plenty of sandwiches and a variety of cakes. It was a very pleasant afternoon and we raised the sum of £92.5l.
After our August break we met again in September when Mrs Margaret Symonds came and talked to us about her visit to Nigeria earlier this year. The slides she showed helped us to realize what difficult conditions they encounter for everyday tasks. It was most interesting and Margaret stressed how welcome they were made to feel. In October Mr Peter Rogers, a local historian, came to give us a talk with slides on some very unusual weather vanes some of which touched on Portsmouth's past history. His talks are always well worth hearing. At this meeting a cake was provided by Mrs Nicklen to celebrate her 80th Birthday. Sadly she had a very bad cold and was unable to join us, but we thank her for the delicious cake she sent which was enjoyed by all. In December we have our Advent Miscellany with carols and readings and tea and cakes.
We have had quite a few special birthday celebrations this year, with one 60th, three 70th, two 80th and one 90th.
January is our A.G.M. when Mrs Yvonne Jones will be standing down owing to work commitments and Mrs Winifred Mancz will be taking over as Branch Leader.
Pat Winter
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page last updated 5 DECEMBER 1999