Welcome to the May 2000 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine

Summer Fete Letter from Ruth Loveman Looking back on one hundred years of worship Ramble in March Garden Gossip Where have all the cedars gone? Crossword Where have all the cedars gone? New Churchwarden Bulletin Bloomers Financial Update Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits St George's Ladies Group Millennium Flower Festival Book Corner Country Churches from the Vicar

Cover for the May 2000 edition

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from the Vicar | Country Churches | Book Corner | Millennium Flower Festival | St George's Ladies Group | Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits | Financial Update | Bulletin Bloomers | New Churchwarden | Ruby's Memoirs | Where have all the cedars gone? | Crossword | Garden Gossip | Ramble in March | Looking back on one hundred years of worship|Letter from Ruth Loveman|Summer Fete

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