The Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year 2000 duly inspected by George Coleman our Independent Examiner were approved by the PCC at the meeting held on March 1st and a full copy is displayed on the church noticeboard for inspection. (I can supply detailed copies to anyone interested on request). Turning to more recent transactions, Magazine sales, including some advance yearly subscriptions, have reached £288 so far this year. Revenue from advertisements, £229.50 to date, provides valuable income and thanks are due to all our advertisers and our advertising Manager Larysa Thatcher. The sales of John Symonds book about the history of St George's now total £1,052 and we need to sell another eight copies at £6 to break even on the original cost of publication so do think about buying additional copies as presents. The tax refund due under the gift aid scheme for the last quarter of 2000 amounting to £1,363.92 and Investment income of £210, together with a donation of £200 from the Social Committee from proceeds of the Friday coffee mornings, are all welcome additions to the church bank balance. February's retiring collection for St Mary Axim Ghana our link parish amounted to £115.82. You may be interested to know our Palm Crosses costing £20 come from Nougoma, Kwa Zulu, Zululand. It is the Emmanual Group of Churches in Northampton that organise distribution in the UK and last year donations reached over £30,000 to provide funding for community projects in Nougoma as well as paying the wages of the Palm Cross makers there. The work of their hospital has been supported as well as some funding going towards completion of a new church. The Archdeacon of Northampton has recently visited Nougoma to explore further funding projects. A large order for wine, candles and votive candles cost £436.59 from Hayes and Finch and communion wafers cost £17.40 from the Community of St Clare in Witney Oxford for a two months supply. I cannot finish my article this month without mentioning the splendid weekend visit to Rouen, France arranged by Tony and Jane which was greatly enjoyed by all. It culminated in a lovely Eucharist celebrated by Fr Malcolm in the Sacristy Chapel of Rouen Cathedral. The memory of reading a lesson as the bells of the ancient cathedral rang out will remain with me for a very long time. A very happy Easter to you all. Linda Wainwright |
page last updated 1 APRIL 2001 |