It seems that we are all drowning under a sea of paper these days - bills, bank statements, advertising material, invoices, tax forms and now census forms. And church work is no exception as could be seen from the briefcases and carrier bags full of paperwork I brought to the APCM on April 1st. I am surrounded by paper at home not only in connection with St George's but from other committees I am involved with and not least of all one's own documentation both personal and for the property in which I am fortunate to live. I am looking for a home for a couple of spare full copies of the church accounts for 2000 so if there is anyone who would find a copy of interest please let me know - our newly appointed PCC members already have a copy to study! Now onto the contents of some of those pieces of paper. The Bishop's Lent Appeal retiring collection reached the sum of £128.82 and is in aid of St Stephen's School, Pamua, Solomon Islands, an Anglican secondary boarding school, and the Preston Close Project, a community regeneration programme based in Ryde, IOW. The special retiring collection in support of the farmers at this time of crisis realised £192.40 and with a donation from the Wednesday coffee morning monies a total of £217.40 was sent to the Arthur Rank Centre Addington Charity at Stoneleigh Park, Warwick. Dividends from investments added £318 to general church funds at the end of the March quarter and profit from David Palmer's sale of spring bulbs raised £13.50. An Easter Services advert in The News cost £16.64, tightening up church security and installing the key safe £148 and replacement of the plastic covering on various noticeboards £40. Bible Reading Fellowship books to the value of £150.45 have been purchased this year and it is interesting to note that BRF was one of the organisations represented at the Queen Mother's 100th birthday celebration parade last year. If anyone else would like to subscribe to the notes this can easily been arranged so please speak to me. And finally we need to maximise our income from tax efficient planned giving. So please do inspect those end of tax year building society and pension statements to see if you do pay tax. If you then advise John Millard or myself, we can ensure every £1 you give to St George's turns into £1.28 by just completing some very simple paperwork. Let's put that sea of paper to good use! Linda Wainwright, Hon. Treasurer, P.C.C. |
page last updated 1 MAY 2001 |