The summer break is nearly over and it is time to put pen to paper once again for the magazine. Recent retiring collections amounted to £294.59 for Christian Aid during May, £120.51 for St Mary Axim Ghana during June and £131.04 for the Mission to Seafarers during July. A further £50 has been sent to Christian Aid from the Wednesday morning coffee monies. The Fête on June 23rd made a net profit of £1789.24 taking into account additional expenses and including some ongoing plant sales, and the barbecue and raffle after the sponsored walk and Evensong on July 8th raised £83.97. Much of the actual sponsorship money for the walk is still being collected and final figures will be published in the next St George's News. Thankfully all but £50 of the bill for £1241.75 for repairing the flood damage to the Church Tower electrics sustained during the heavy rain earlier in the winter was met by our church insurance policy. In preparation for running a TRIO stewardship campaign [The Responsibility Is Ours] the necessary pack has been purchased at a cost of £45. A new register for the church cost £30, the photocopier quarterly charge came to £113, fees to Roger Boyce for preliminary work as architect for the toilet and illuminated cross projects £347 and a new ladder for the tower replacing the old wooden one £55. The sale of videos added a further £39.52 to the 'Loo in the Vestry Fund'. The bookstall safe yielded £124.37, the sale of votive candles £95, interest and dividends during June and July from investments totalled £947, all for general church funds but unfortunately £1,600 had to be withdrawn from deposit to pay bills at the end of May, beginning of June. Thank you to those of you who have responded positively to the Vicar's letter and already increased your giving to St George's. But we must not forget the members of the congregation who contribute items for church use but never seek reimbursement. Over a 12 month period this must add up to a considerable sum which without that generosity would increase our financial burden.
Linda Wainwright, Hon Treasurer to the PCC |
page last updated 31 AUGUST 2001 |