Another month, another magazine article to be written. Firstly, some information on the new Diocesan newspaper The Pompey Chimes which replaces The Link magazine. Despite the paper being much larger and in tabloid form with more pages no extra costs are being incurred as advertising will make the publication self financing, apart from editorial costs which will be covered by the existing level of The Link subscriptions. The editor is Neil Pugmire the Diocesan Communications Adviser based at Cathedral House and the deadline is normally the 15th of the month before publication. The above information is taken from the Treasurer's newsletter from the Parish Resources Adviser. The parish pays for 100 copies of the Diocesan publication at a cost currently of £96 per annum or 8p a copy, for distribution to the congregation at no cost to yourselves. So please take your 'free' copy so we can review our requirements for 2002 - do we need more copies or less? Sponsorship from the Parish Ramble has reached £216 as of September 9th but I am aware some monies are still outstanding and must be handed in as soon as possible in order that the gift aid calculations can be finalised. Our tax rebate for April to June totalled £1709.87 of which £17.63 is due to the Eucharistic Gifts Fund and £47.83 to the Loo in the Vestry Fund. Therefore if you are a taxpayer do not forget to put your donations in a pink envelope. Even the retiring collection during August for the Rowans Hospice benefited from some gift aid donations and reached £171. I have recently sent cheques to the Church Missionary Society £9.22, the Society of the Holy Cross (Mission Direct) £26.43. USPG £8.99 and the Leprosy Mission £47.25 being the contents of collecting boxes. A repair to the Organ cost £58.75 and 20 litres of wine and beeswax candles cost £181.16 from Hayes and Finch. Once again I received a very interesting letter from the Mission to Seafarers acknowledging receipt of retiring collection monies gratefully received. Perhaps you like me visited their stand at the International Festival of the Sea. The full copy of the letter along with a porch card receipt is displayed on the finance notice board inside the church porch on the left hand side as you go into St George's. Please remember to take a look at the information displayed there. I conclude with an extract from that letter and I quote: 'A seafarer writes - there is something about the seafaring life that can bring you closer to God. I am not sure if it is the closeness to nature and its more fearful elements, or the solitude and being away from the family... either way I have found Mission centres in foreign ports to be a peaceful haven, a refuge and a way of communing with God after a hard voyage.' Linda Wainwright, Hon Treasurer to the PCC |
page last updated 30 SEPTEMBER 2001 |