To co-incide with the Taizé Service on Tuesday 23rd October, I thought it would be appropriate to write a short review of one of the many Taizé books available. 'Taizé A Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth' is memorable partly because of the striking photographs of, amongst others, the Church of Reconciliation, the lighted Icons, the European meeting where 75,000 people, gathered from every country in Europe, met in 1991 in Budapest, Hungary and partly because Brother Roger's words have a draw of their own - a friendly nudge into the Divine. He speaks first of a simple desire for God, the beginning of faith, the continuing mysterious presence of Christ in us and the inner voice of prayer that rises up within. Brother Roger goes on to consider Human Solidarity how, in following Christ's footsteps we are drawn to share and to a great simplicity of life. He issues a challenge quoting our Lord himself: 'Whatever you do to the least of my Brothers and Sisters, you are doing to me' and asks who of us will give of themselves to spread the light of Christ in difficult situations throughout the world. The interview with Brother Roger reveals, amongst other things, why he chose the village of Taizé, the identity of the person who deeply influenced his life and his astonishment at the huge numbers of young people who visit Taizé, even in the middle of winter. In answer to the question, 'Is being with the very poor still essential for you today as it was at the beginning, Brother Roger replies: - "How could it be otherwise? ... When I see the way some of them (the Brothers) are giving their lives, either in Taizé or in the harsh conditions of places that are very poor, I realise that self-forgetting, selflessness, is one of the strongest expressions of loving in the Gospel." Taizé, A Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth (Mowbrays), ISBN 0 264 67294-1 £3.99 Lynn Winter |
page last updated 30 SEPTEMBER 2001 |