Re-learning how to be a Church-in-mission is one of our most urgent tasks. To help us in this, earlier in 2001 Bishop Kenneth asked every parish in the diocese to take a further step of mission as part of the celebration of 75 years as a diocese. It is entirely up to each parish to decide what to do, large or small, according to its circumstances. One thing is for sure: to do nothing at all about mission is not an option. Parishes have been choosing one out of four 'tracks' or approaches to mission, and resource packs have gone out to every parish that has sent in its choice of track. There are some good ideas about. Some are planning to make church more accessible to children; to run a holiday club to make relationships with those who do not come to church; to form a youth club with other local churches, or a themed club for 5-11 year olds - even to gather funds together to employ a children's worker. A group of country parishes is working to integrate its newly-confirmed young people into the full life of the church. Lots of parishes are planning to make more of their contacts with baptism, wedding and funeral families. One parish is going out to the new housing which is being built and another to strengthen its relationship with the local club for elderly people. One church has seen that a local community support group is threatened with closure and is rallying round to resource and revive it. One church is putting in some loos, and another is proposing to knock down its halls - and build a community centre. Some great ideas and lots of goodwill despite the pressures on time and money and volunteers. I was really looking forward, as missioner, to helping parishes make the most of these steps, but I am sure my colleagues and whoever follows me will help and support. I shall continue to pray for your steps. As far as the mission of God is concerned the whole Church is in this together. Ian Jagger, (former Canon Missioner, now Archdeacon of Auckland, Durham) STEPPING OUT 2002 2002 is the 75th Anniversary of the Diocese of Portsmouth (and therefore also of the City of Portsmouth.) There will be events throughout the year and St George's will be having some local activities. The main Diocesan events are: Saturday 4th May 2002 - Service in Winchester Cathedral and walk to Portsmouth. Sunday 4th July 2002 - Diocesan
Eucharist on the Castle Field Southsea with funfair, refreshments, and plenty
to do - Saturday 5th October 2002 - Special service in the Cathedral with stories from each Parish. |
page last updated 25 OCTOBER 2001 |