Welcome to the May 2002 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Christian Aid Week, 12th - 18th May

Wheat stocks being taken away from a food distribution run by Christian Aid partners in Afghanistan.

This year we are putting much more emphasis on a street collection during the Friday market on 17th. In this, we are fortunate to have the help of Mr Joe Hayter; a well known charity collector; and two friends to boost our volunteers. "Thank you Joe" for this support.

We are also having a Hunger Lunch on Wednesday 15th from 12.noon to 2.pm. in the hall. The menu is to be: - Soup, roll and cheese; tea or coffee for £2. All proceeds go to the Christian Aid Collection. Do try to support this venture.

Winifred Mancz

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page last updated 16 MAY 2002