Welcome to the June 2002 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine

Crossword No. 53 - June 2002


Clues Across:

1. Praise to the ******* (7)
5. Brawl (5)
8. Shortages (5)
9. Removed errors from (7)
10. Ceeded (7)
11. Senior group member (5)
12. Wicked (6)
14. Pictures (6)
17. Inspire (5)
19. Deeds (7)
22. Three pronged spear (7)
23. Bury (5)
24. Robe (5)
25. Wandered off (7)

Clues Down:

1. Evergreen (5)
2. Reader's rest (7)
3. Soothed (5)
4. Modern (6)
5. Unfettered state (7)
6. Holy (5)
7. News (7)
12. My ******* Aunt (7)
13. Of no practical purpose (7)
15. Like a spirit (7)
16. Tenets (6)
18. A woman about to be married (5)
20. Tester (5)
21. Fathered (5)

Answers next month.

Answers to the May 2002 Crossword

Across: 1. Aumbry. 5. Pope. 7. Epistle. 10. Sloop. 11. Eremite.12. Occur. 14. Ancient. 15. Naomi. 16. Othello. 20. Angony. 21. Slyness. 22 Dust. 23. Impend. Down. 1. Amuse. 2. Prole. 3. Collect. 4. Asps. 6. Exodus. 8. Trinity.9. Empires. 10. Stonily. 13. Gauged. 14. Amongst. 17. Llama. 18. Onset. 19. Used.

written by Jane Rice-Oxley

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page last updated 4 JUNE 2002