Not a great deal to report this month. Raffle ticket sales have reached £630 so there is still a long way to go if we are to achieve the fund raising success of our Fêtes - normally in the region of £1,800 profit - which the Jubilee Grand Draw replaces this year. Please take a few more books of raffle tickets to sell amongst your friends - the draw takes place on July 7th. The plant sale on the day and with ongoing sales raised £381, our tax refund for the first quarter of 2002 totalled £1,904.40 of which £75 is attributable to the Eucharistic Gifts Fund, and St George's Gift Day raised a splendid £838.50 including £166 gift aid. Rosa Miller is to be congratulated on obtaining £1,400 from the Lottery "Awards for All" Scheme for the Jubilee Fun Day on 22nd June, and we gratefully acknowledge all donations received in particular £300 from Havant Borough Council and £300 from the Waterlooville Town Centre Management. The Fun Day committee are busily booking all the entertainments now funding has been granted. April's retiring collection for Missions Overseas raised £117.52, a further supply of candles cost £66.60 and a thousand more pink gift aid envelopes £32.17. LINDA WAINWRIGHT |
page last updated 4 JUNE 2002 |