Welcome to the Summer 2002 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


It was way back in 1896 that this home was founded. It was through the initiative of Mother Emma, the Head Deaconess of Winchester Diocese who saw the need and raised the money to buy the first house. Over the years the home has expanded and many improvements have been made. Donations and legacies are always welcome as the home is a charity and non profit making, though this does not make the budget any easier to break even. Standards are always changing which usually involves extra expense, one recent change is in the name, it is now to be designated as a Care Home providing Nursing.

Matron, deputy matron, the bursar and all the staff work as a team being kept very busy with some 30 residents to care for. There is a Committee of Management, Trustees, with the Bishop of Portsmouth the President. The Annual General Meeting is open to all residents, relatives, friends and staff and the last one had the Mayor and Mayoress of Portsmouth present. The business meeting was followed by refreshments which gave a chance to meet members of the staff and the committee.

The home is in the parish of The Holy Spirit, the vicar, the Revd. Michael Lewis is the Vice Chairman and Canon Peter Keightley cares for the spiritual needs of the home, celebrating a Communion Service each month.

I thought that as Vera is a resident in this home, friends at St. George's Church might like to know how it was founded and run. Her room is at the front of the house looking out onto the garden and its tree, while the room itself has a number of pictures and items, personal reminders of home. The home is open to visitors who are always welcome.


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page last updated 20 JULY 2002