Welcome to the October 2002 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine

Crossword No. 56 - October 2002

Clues Across:

1. Sister to Mary (6)
4. He had an adventure with a whale (5)
8. Exclude (5)
9. Trains (7)
10. Complied with (7)
11. Enjoyed at the last supper (4)
12. Dine (3)
14. Girls name (4)
15. Listen (4)
18. Err (3)
21. Genuine (4)
23. Remnant (7)
25. Supreme being (7)
26. Come in (5)
27. Lowest point (5)
28. Gone missing (6)

Clues Down:

1. Mean (6)
2. Girls name (7)
3. Herod's sister-in-law (5)
4. Beloved disciples (4)
5. Ruth's mother-in-law (5)
6. Hurry (6)
7. Out of other people' s hearing (5)
13. A disciple (8)
16. He helps to do wrong (7)
17. From Troy (6)
19. Belonged to the builder of the ark (5)
20. Strong (6)
22. Hurt (5)
23. State (4)

Answers next month.

Answers to the September 2002 Crossword

Across: 1. Palms. 4. Matthew. 8. Suborns. 9. Torso. 10. Isaac. 11. Epistle. 13. Errs. 15. Novena. 17. Ibices. 20. Visa. 22. Desires. 24. Birth. 26. Cream. 27. Belgium. 28. Despair. 29. Needs. Down. 1. Passion. 2. Libra. 3. Saracen. 4. MAster. 5. Tutti. 6. Heretic. 7. Wrote. 12. Psis. 14. Rave. 16. Vespers. 18. Babylon. 19. Schemes. 21. Isobar. 22. Diced. 23. rumba. 25. Raise.

written by Jane Rice-Oxley

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page last updated 12 OCTOBER 2002