First of all as promised the final total raised by the sponsored walk and cycle ride on June 30th was £288.14 including tax refunds on gift aided sponsorship of £41.74. Speaking about tax concessions our refund on gift aided planned giving for April, May and June totalled £1,758.55. Retiring collections during August for the Rowans and September for the Samaritans raised £149.17 and £159.45 respectively and both figures include gift aid donations to those charities - so please think pink envelopes for other charities as well as St George's, just endorse the envelope. Dividends and interest due on investments and received during August and September added £855 to general church funds. Votive candle sales reached £143, profit from Fun Day photograph sales £15 and £300 has been donated to the church by the social committee from Friday coffee morning takings. The Church Army coffee morning on September 21st raised £50.50, and the African Child Trust continues to be supported at the rate of £360 per annum. The opportunity arose to stock up on white and coloured photocopier paper at discount prices at a cost of £174.47 and photocopier charges came to £135.78. Visiting clergy fees were £89.20 and candles and wine from Hayes and Finch cost £173.23. Finally if your house or contents insurance is due for renewal shortly do consider seeking a quote from Ecclesiastical Insurance as St George's funds can still benefit from their voucher redemption scheme for every policy taken out. The relevant forms are displayed on the table at the back of the church - please take one. LINDA WAINWRIGHT |
page last updated 2 NOVEMBER 2002 |