Welcome to the February 2003 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


In the minutes of the PCC meeting held on 21st November, it is reported that there had been no action on the Millennium Projects (the Illuminated Cross and the Vestry Toilet. Within days of that meeting work started and it will not have escaped your notice that the Cross was erected and the toilet completed well before Christmas. The illumination has still to be installed, but I am sure you will agree that the Cross greatly enhances the front of the church and the advantages of the Vestry Toilet cannot be overstated.

It was confirmed that David Palmer had very kindly agreed to serve as Independent Examiner for 2003.

The Reverend Karina Green, the Bishop's Representative for Child Protection, will attend an extraordinary meeting of the PCC on 30th January in order to explain the legal requirements of the Criminal Records Bureau regarding the appointment of personnel to work, paid or unpaid, with children and young people.

The Treasurer confirmed that the extremely generous legacy of £7,915 from the estate of Mrs Roslyn Edwards had been received and the meeting agreed that, if the money were put towards the Illuminated Cross, that would be a very appropriate memorial.

Andrew Clark had informed the PCC that the WI Market would cease trading on 19th December and suggested that St George's Market should take over. The PCC supported Mr Clark's recommendation and authorised him to set up the arrangements.

The next normal meeting of the PCC will be on Thursday 6th March 2003 and the APCM will be on Sunday 6th April.

PCC Secretary

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page last updated 29 January 2003