Welcome to the March 2003 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


The causes that I have chosen for my year 2003 Lent Appeal are:

The Rosemary Foundation

Hospice at Home. A need for Palliative Care Nursing Service at home was identified as a gap which existed in the care offered to terminally ill patients suffering not only from cancer but other chronically debilitating illnesses. The Rosemary Foundation provides counselling and builds personal relationships with patients and carers and there is no charge for the service. The area served covers mid Hampshire; there are plans to expand into adjoining areas.For more information about The Rosemary Foundation visit the website at: www.rosemary-foundation.org.uk

St Nicholas Seminary, Cape Coast, Ghana

The only Anglican Theological College in Ghana was founded in 1975 and serves ordinands from the whole of West Africa. The College is a modest site and desperately needs to improve its facilities and expand the library.

The annual exchange being planned by IDWAL between the Cape Coast Seminary and the Portsmouth Diocese will deeply enrich the life of those who participate, and the Church in West Africa and Portsmouth Diocese.

Bishop of Portsmouth

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page last updated 03 March 2003