Read the story in Acts 1. Then decide which you think is the right answer in each section below. The bible references given in brackets will help.
What happened after Jesus had risen from the dead? (Acts 1:3)
1. He appeared to his disciples.
2. The disciples did not recognise him.
3. He saw them only once after his resurrection.
What did Jesus tell the disciples? (Acts 1:5)
4. That they must leave Jerusalem.
5. They would be baptised with the Holy Spirit.
6. They would separate and go their different ways.
What did the disciples ask Jesus? (Acts 1:6)
7. What shall we do when you leave us?
8. How long are you staying with us?
9. Are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?
After he had eaten fish with them he said: (Acts 1:8)
10. 'You will be my witnesses'
11. 'You will be left alone in the world'
12. 'You need not tell others about me'
After he had spoken with them: (Acts 1:9)
13. Darkness came.
14. He was taken up into heaven.
15. They parted company one from the other.
Answers next month.