One summer evening warm and fine
St George's "flock" went out to dine.
We congregated at Glendene
And soon thereafter could be seen
Partaking a pre-dinner drink.
'Bout forty-two of us, I think,
In Tony's garden gathered there
A "Travelling Supper" for to share.
(I sipped my drink, John gave me his
Then someone else - whose name I'll miss)
Thus fortified with ample sherry,
Went into dinner slightly merry!
We knew the "starter" course was there,
But after that we knew not where -
Until Jane told us where to go -
She put it very nicely though!
By means of comprehensive list,
Ensuring not one soul was missed.
And Tony gave us warnings dire
Of consequences to transpire
Should anyone mislay their wine,
I therefore kept firm grip on mine!

Some cars turned left and some went right.
Our group at Denmead did alight.
We dined on beef, some dined on fish,
And casserole, or chicken dish,
Accompanied by Tony's wine
Till all well fed, and then 'twas time
To travel on to pastures new,
Our little "flock" of forty-two.
When all were safely gathered at
The Vicarage we stood, or sat
On benches, on the Vicar's lawn.
(I mentioned that the day was warm).
We ate dessert with matching wine,
Then coffee, mints, and by that time
Our thoughts had turned to home and bed.
And all of us agreed and said
It was a very pleasant way
To finish off a summer's day.