Crossword No. 64 - Summer 2003

1. May be worn round albs (7)
5. see 1 down
8. Stay (5)
9. Used on Holy days (7)
10. Component part (7)
11. Sea (5)
12. Skilled person (6)
14. To do with a woman newly married (6)
17. What a church pays to the Diocese (5)
19. Cuddle (7)
22. Apprehends (7)
23. see 13 down
24. Group of geese (5)
25. Withstands (7)
1. (and 5 across)
Marker of a burial place (5,5)
2. Clothing (7)
3. Lord (5)
4. Those with God (6)
5. Help (7)
6. Small amount (5)
7. For ever (7)
12. Declares innocent (7)
13. (and 18 down and 23 across)
A reminder of Jesus' journey to Calvary (7,2,3,5)
15. Members of the clergy (7)
16. Holder of 9 across (6)
18. see 13 down
20. Defensive players (5)
21. Comforts (5)
Answers next
Answers to the June 2003 Crossword
Across: 1. Collar. 4. Vestry. 7. Offertory. 9. Poet. 10.Earl. 11. Nerve. 13. Reused. 14 Esther. 15. Greets. 17. Basses. 19. Splay. 20. Stir. 22. Fair. 23. Communion. 24. Lapsed. 25. Ration. Down. 2. Loft. 3. Reeled. 4. Votive. 5. Soire. 6. Yeller. 7. Ecumenical. 8. Yachtsman. 11. Nests. 12. Essay. 13. Gospel. 16. Spurned. 17. Banner. 18. Semron. 21. Rows. 22. Font.
written by Jane
Rice-Oxley |