The final figure for the St George's Day Gift Day envelopes reached £974 (this included a gift aid tax refund of £190 on gift aided donations) and our tax rebate for the first quarter of 2003 was £1,919. The net profit from the concert on 13th June given by the Portsmouth Chorus was £104.48 and the final net profit for the Fête on 21st June was £1,937.69. The PCC are most grateful for a generous donation of £400 from the Ladies Group primarily for the hall public address system although the Church system microphones were recently repaired at a cost of £64.63. The bookstall safe recently yielded £72.41, votive candle sales £108 and dividends during June from investments £712. Sponsorship money for the walk on July 13th is still being collected but the raffle and barbecue after evensong raised £127.70. Retiring collections were as follows: - May: Christian Aid, £240.66; June: St Mary Axim, Ghana, £201.68 July: Seafarers Mission, £132.57. The house to house and street collection undertaken by members of St George's added a further £339.54 to Christian Aid funds. Suttons Seeds and Plant sales made £18.28 for general funds, a recent organ tune cost £102.23, new music for the choir £55.40 and additional organists' fees for holiday cover £60. Servicing of all church and hall gas appliances and supply of the necessary safety certificate cost £282 and our Quinquennial Inspection Report by Roger Boyce £421.06. The quarterly photocopier charge was £169. The total amount collected for Father Malcolm's retirement gift so far is £915 and I know you all join me in wishing him a long, happy and healthy retirement, with grateful thanks for all he has done here for us at St George's. LINDA WAINWRIGHT |
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