Welcome to the April (Easter) 2004 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine

PCC Matters

At its meeting on 4th March the PCC approved the adoption of the 2003 accounts prepared and presented by the Treasurer and examined and certified by Dr Feri Eshraghi. We have been extremely fortunate to have Miss Linda Wainwright as our Treasurer for the past seven years but she confirmed at the meeting that, while she would remain in office through the interregnum, she would be standing down at the APCM in 2005. Although this was much regretted by the PCC, it was agreed that a replacement should be sought in the near future so that her successor might work with her before the handover.

The PCC welcomed the news from Mrs Winifred Mancz that Mrs Carol McKells had volunteered to take on the duties of Claims Secretary and Recorder. Warm thanks were expressed to Mrs Mancz for all her time and hard work.

A number of safety problems had been resolved: a dead and potentially dangerous acacia tree had been removed; adhesive, non-slip material had been put on the ramp; artistic designs had been put on the plate glass doors to prevent people walking into them; a fire blanket had been bought and will be mounted on the wall in church. A major concern to the PCC - the churchyard paving - will be given urgent consideration during the new PCC year.

The PCC was pleased to approve applications for enrolment on the Electoral Roll from Mr Denis and Mrs Pat Green.

The meeting closed with thanks to Mrs June Bradley and Mrs Rosa Miller at the end of their three years on the PCC and, of course, to Miss Lynn Winter for all that she has done as Churchwarden, not least during the interregnum.

The first meeting of the new PCC will be held on Thursday 1st April at 7.30.pm.

Jaye Warren
PCC Secretary

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page last updated 05 April 2004