Welcome to the August 2004 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine

Children's Corner

This story of a woman's meeting with Jesus is found in John 4. After reading the story, choose your answers to the clues from the list of words below. Then find the answers in the letter grid. They may appear in any direction - though always in a straight line - with some letters having been used more than once.

1. The town in Samaria where Jesus rested

2. It was located near this well

3. At about what hour did Jesus sit by the well?

4. The woman who came to draw water

5. The reason why Jesus asked her for water

6. The woman knew he was of this race

7. Jews didn‘t do this with Samaritans

8. Jesus offered to give the woman this

9. She questioned whether he was this when compared to Jacob

10. A further benefit from the water Jesus gave

11. Her request and what it revealed

12. The number of her previous husbands

13. In her eyes Jesus was a ---

14. The place where she said the Jews claimed they must worship

15. His reply, that we must worship God in --- and in truth

16. The One whom Jesus declared himself to be

17. Those who were surprised to see him talking with this woman

18. Speaking to the townsfolk she said: -Could this be the ---'

19. Meanwhile, the disciples urged him to do this

20. Jesus answered 'My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to ---- his work'


Last Month's Answers: 1. Jonathan. 2. Nebuchadnezzar. 3. Revelation. 4. Nile. 5. Ezekiel. 6. Luke. 7. Eunice. 8. Exodus. 9. Sanballat. 10. Tabot.

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page last updated 11 August 2004