Welcome to the March 2005 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News


Crossword No. 80 - March 2005


Clues Across:

1. Religious split (6)
4. Biblical Character (5)
8. Group of Singers (5)
9. Column tapering at the top (7)
10. Letter (7)
11. Knock out (4)
12. View (3)
14. Opposed to (4)
15. Face covering (4)
18. Still (3)
21. Ancient Greek coin (4)
23. Guards in Harems (7)
25. Introductory piece of music (7)
26. Plant part (5)
27. Snug Retreats (5)
28. Forms of Quartz (6)

Clues Down:

1. Holy (6)
2. Fastening (7)
3. Close examination (8)
4. Mind (4)
5. Holy person (5)
6. Pleading (6)
7. Prophet (5)
13. Church service (8)
16. Overlay (7)
17. Idea (6)
19. Tithe (5)
20. Estimate (6)
22. Promises (5)
24. Lads (4)

Answers next month.

Answers to the February 2005 Crossword

Across: 1. Canon. 4. Collect. 8. Unction. 9. Usual. 10.Irene. 11. Ossuary. 13. Tare. 15. Yahwch. 17. Elders. 20. Apse. 22. Scribe. 24. Chant. 26. Bible. 27. Iterate. 28. Entombs. 29. Nosey. Down. 1. Crucify. 2. Niche. 3. Naivete. 4. Cantor. 5. Lauds. 6. Educate. 7. Tally. 12. Sees. 14. Ahab. 16. Hackbut. 18. Lectern. 19. Satiety. 21. Perils. 22. Amble. 23. Ileum. 25. Amass

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page last updated 26 September 2005