Welcome to the April 2005 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

Yesterday, Today, Forever

It is several months since I attended a seminar on behalf of the parish and subsequently agreed to be the Parish Contact Person for legacies at St George's.

Enclosed with this magazine is a leaflet, featuring Alan Titchmarsh, about making a real and lasting difference by leaving a gift to the church in your will. In these days of many individuals being 'asset rich' as property owners but 'income poor' living on a fixed income this is a way of supporting the church for the future.

I have several helpful handouts produced by the diocese and available to anyone considering making or updating their will and thinking of leaving a legacy to St George's. Just complete the tear off part of the leaflet with your details and return to me please either personally or via the pigeonhole if you would like further information.

Under current legislation legacies to the church or other charities are exempt from inheritance tax.

During my eight years as church treasurer the parish has benefited greatly from several legacies.

Linda Wainwright

If a leaflet is not enclosed with this magazine, copies are available in church.

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page last updated 26 September 2005