Crossword No. 88 - Christmas 2005

1. Sung at Christmas (6)
4. Came to the Shepherds (6)
7. See 19 across
9. Narrow inlets (4)
10. Flightless bird (4)
11. He was born in 24 across (5)
13. Measure used in cookery (6)
14. Overtaken (6)
15. Group of five (6)
17. Period before 7 across (6)
19 & 7. Said at a winter festive season (5,9)
20. Cain's brother (4)
22. Eve's partner (4)
23. The sun shines upin them (9)
24. The star shone over it (6)
25. Helps transport pop stars etc (6)
1. Churchman (6)
2. Cries of wonder (4)
3. Turn (6)
4. Clever (6)
5. Clothes (4)
6. Thin strech of land (6)
7. Jesus was one (9)
8. Heard the message from 4 across (9)
11. Biblical land (5)
12. 6 down could be (5)
15. David wrote some (6)
16. Flowering shrub (6)
17. Seem (6)
18. Religious building (6)
21. Arm (4)
22. Air (4)
Jane Rice-Oxley
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Answers to the November/December 2005 Crossword
Across: 1. Tower.4. Kneeler. 8. Incense. 9. Incur. 10. Issue. 11. Ezekiel. 13. Sore. 15. Yeasty. 17. Air gun. 20. Eels. 22. Realise. 24. Odium. 26. Stiff. 27. Idolise. 28. Destroy. 29. Euros.. Down. 1, Trinity. 2. Wicks. 3. Rankest. 4. Keeper. 5. Exile. 6. Locking. 7. Rural. 12. Zeal. 14. Oyez. 16. Ananias. 18. Isotope. 19. Numbers. 21. Eerily. 22. Rased. 23. Infer. 25. Icier.