Welcome to the Christmas 2006 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

Financial Update

Getting to the end of September, we again find ourselves in a difficult financial position. As you can see from the 'overview' posted at the back of the Church, the reconciled bank balance is minus £259.31. Had all items cleared instantly we would have been overdrawn. Fortunately this didn't happen but it is a worry to be so close.

Standing orders are up but envelopes down, this may be due to donations swapping envelopes to standing orders.

Budget to end September: Actual
Standing orders £13,312.53 £14,020.50
Envelopes £10,687.50 £ 9,182.11
Total £24,000.03 £23,202.61

Overall, a net shortfall of £797.42.

Income from Donations is favourable but bear in mind some of this is accounted for, i.e. the recently purchased candle sticks and altarcloth.

The PCC has also received £800 donation from the Friday Coffee Morning collections and £400 from the Social and Fundraising fund re. the new Church lighting. Our thanks to them for their hard work and generosity in raising these much needed donations.

Charities recently supported by retiring collections were Breast Cancer Care £270.16, the Rowans Hospice £190.92 and so far £128.53 for the Two Saints Centres.

Parish Magazine sales are currently adverse but £165 paid into the bank in October from lobby collection box will help.

Fees income is favourable but outgoing assigned fees will take £744 and expenses for weddings to be deducted also.

Magazine/Bookstall outgoings tend to be around £35 although in February and March £157 for Lent Course books and £160 to the Bible Reading Fellowship were major expenses.

Not too good a picture so I would ask again that any high value purchases be put off until next year.

We have Gift Aid due to us for the quarter July-September but we still have £11,634 of Parish Share to pay by the end of 2006.

As at 10th October:

Bank balance: £7,293.14

Less cheques outstanding: £4,687.94


Bills waiting to be paid amount to £657 and of course the Parish Share due each month doesn't leave anything.

If any more information is required, please feel free to ask. An Income and Expenditure breakdown is posted on the Notice Board prior to PCC Meetings where more information can be found and if anyone would like the PCC Finance Report for detailed figures I will be happy to supply a copy.

The time has come around again to start getting figures/information ready for the Year End Accounts. Those of you who need to get information to me should start getting ready very shortly. I would appreciate all final figures being passed to me by mid-January please.

Carol Mckells
Hon. Treasurer

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page last updated 11 November 2006